glow up checklist

The Ultimate Glow Up Checklist Every Baddie Needs

Ready to maximize your full baddie potential this year? Here is a realistic, relatable, and really effective glow up checklist to complete for your most amazing transformation ever!

You’re Number 1, So Look and Act Like It!

The first part of any glow up whatsoever is making yourself your utmost priority.And the first step is upgrading your outer appearance. Begin by doing some personal research and investing in a skincare routine that suits your skin type. Your main focal points should be keeping your skin cleansed, hydrated, and sun protected, and then addressing any other skin concerns you may have.

But then again, glowing up isn’t just skin-deep. To act like you’re number 1, you must also treat yourself with love and care. Pamper yourself, set clear boundaries, pursue your own interests, and get into meditation and/or journaling. Engaging in these acts of self-care will boost your self-love and confidence. Nothing evidences a glow up more than both your skin glowing and your mega confidence radiating from within!

glow up challenge

Elevate Your Style Game

We’re not talking about just following the latest trends. This second step is about curating a personal style that reflects your confidence and personality. Start by assessing your current wardrobe and identifying pieces that make you feel
powerful. Get rid of clothes that no longer serve you or the purpose of your glow up.

Next, plan out your new look. Take inspiration from style icons that you’ve always looked up to—Instagram and Pinterest are your best friends here. Then, following the vision board you come up with, begin to introduce new items into your wardrobe. We personally recommend versatile pieces that you can mix and match to create multiple outfits—quality over quantity. Don’t forget to invest in accessories as these elevate any look. Remember, your style is an extension of your personality, so dress in a way that tells your story boldly and authentically.

Dedicate Time to Heal

Recognizing and addressing any internal struggles is a vital part of your journey. Just like the clothes that were no longer serving you, healing allows you to shed any emotional dead-weight that allows you to move forward with clarity and peace. So, dedicate at least 30 minutes, 3 times a week to healing activities. This could be anything from therapy to yoga, meditation, or any practice that aids in mental and emotional healing. Give time for 4 different hobbies/ skills. I mentioned earlier that part of prioritizing yourself is actively pursuing your own interests. Cultivating hobbies and skills will not only make life more enjoyable but it’ll also boost your mood and self-esteem. Choose 4 activities you genuinely enjoy or skills you have an interest in (can be a mix of both) and make time for them throughout the week. Whether it’s painting, coding, dancing, or cooking, these hobbies/skills will serve as both creative outlets and a necessary break from your mundane daily routine.

Work on Your Physical Fitness

Physical activity is another cornerstone of any glow up. So, aim to hit the gym or engage in physical exercise at least 4 times a week. Pair this with a diet that is rich in whole foods: fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins. These will nourish your body and boost your health from the inside out. This combination also works wonders for your energy levels, mood, and overall wellness.

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Set Yourself Up Financially for 6-Figure Earnings

Real baddies are also financially secure, both in the present and future. To achieve this type of security, begin by setting clear financial goals for yourself. Learn how to budget wisely according to your lifestyle as well as what investment and savings strategies work best for you. The aim isn’t just to chase 6-figure earnings to support your lifestyle and ambitions, but to also establish a stable financial foundation that allows you freedom and perpetual peace of mind. Invest ample time in your career or business growth.

Investing enough time in the growth of your career, business, or passion project is essential for your personal growth too. Therefore, dedicate an ample number of hours a week to this pursuit, focusing on skill development, networking, and other activities that propel you forward. This dedicated time guarantees that you’re constantly moving towards your career goals, step by step.

Get 8 Hours of Sleep Every Night

Team no sleep where? Not here honey! A good night’s sleep every night works wonders. The medically recommended range is 7-9 hours, so we’re recommending the sweet spot of 8 hours to allow your body and mind obtain full refreshment and rejuvenation. Before you drift off, take a few minutes to reflect on your day. This may even be the perfect time to document your experiences, feelings, and achievements, acknowledging that you had a good day before it comes to an end.

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Practice Positivity and Gratitude

A significant part of glowing up is adjusting your mindset. So, make an effort to embrace positivity and practice gratitude daily. Acknowledge the good in your life, big or small, and constantly remind yourself of your strengths and achievements. This shift in perspective will make you happier and more resilient, regardless of what life may bring your way.

Enhance Your Environment

Finally, glowing up doesn’t stop at improving yourself. It also extends to glowing up your surroundings because the spaces you exist in play a crucial role in your success. Hence, curate your living and working spaces to match up with the new life you want to live. This means organizing your spaces, incorporating better décor and elements that make you happy, and ensuring your environment is conducive to both productivity and relaxation.

glow up checklist 2024

Welcome to Your Ultimate Glow Up Checklist!

It’s about time you became the best version of yourself—radiating health, confidence, and success. By following our ultimate glow up checklist, you’re setting out on a path to transform, thrive, and glow so brightly that your light inspires others to start their journeys too. So let your glow up begin!

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