turning 30

13 Things You Should Know When Turning 30

Turning 30 can be absolutely frightening when transitioning from your carefree twenties. Trust me I know! For many of you it means having everything together.

The perfect job, a family, money, a big house by the lake, etc. However, life doesn’t always pan out that way and it’s ok. It doesn’t mean you’re any less accomplished than the next person or a failure. It’s alright to not have your shit completely together! Nevertheless, turning 30 can be scary, and at 32 there’s a boat load of things I wish I would’ve known in my twenties to prepare me for this new milestone. So as your virtual big sister, I put together a list of 13 tips every woman should know before turning 30. You’re welcome in advance  😉.

1. Your Body Changes

I hate to tell you sis, but when you get into your thirties, not everything is as perky as it used to be. Sometimes your boobs begin to sag a little, a gray hair or two pops out of nowhere, and/or you gain weight due to your metabolism slowing down. As your body begins to change, it’s important that you learn to love it through all of its’ transformations. I’ve learned to embrace every bit of my “grown woman” curves, including my f.u.p.a and my little double chin lol.

2. A New Mindset Shift Happens When Turning 30

In your thirties, your mindset matures and you don’t view life like you used to in your twenties. You start to have a new outlook and perspective. In your 30s, you began to develop a greater sense of confidence, self-assurance, and clarity about your goals and priorities. This era brings a deeper understanding of personal values, boundaries, and aspirations, leading to a greater willingness to prioritize self-care, personal growth, and authentic living. You may also experience a shift in your career trajectories, relationships, and life purpose, as you strive to align your choices and actions with  long-term vision for fulfillment and success.

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3. Your Health Becomes a Priority 

When you get older, you start to prioritize your health and well-being. With the demands of career, family, and personal responsibilities, you begin to recognize the importance of investing in your physical, mental, and emotional health. Your 30s make you aware of the long-term consequences of lifestyle choices and prompts us to adopt healthier habits such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, adequate sleep, and stress management techniques. Not to mention regular check-ups, screenings, and immunizations, to maintain optimal health and detect any potential health issues early. By prioritizing our health in our 30s, we can lay a solid foundation for lifelong wellness and vitality.

4. Time Is of the Essence

Us 30-somethings often juggle multiple roles and responsibilities, from elevating our careers to nurturing our families and pursuing personal passions. With limited time available, every moment becomes precious, encouraging us to prioritize ourselves and relationships that align with our goals and values. You truly start to appreciate your family and friends as you age and realize the importance of spending time with them.

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5. Emergency Funds Are Important

In your 30s, you face various financial responsibilities, from mortgage payments to childcare expenses (if you have any) and retirement savings. Establishing an emergency fund becomes crucial during this period to provide a safety net in unforeseen circumstances such as job loss, medical emergencies, or unexpected home repairs. Having an emergency fund allows us to have a peace of mind and stability.

6. Dating Is a Headache

I’ll be honest navigating the dating scene at this time in your life can be a headache. You’re trying to balance your career aspirations, social commitments, personal growth, all while trying to find your soulmate. In your 30s, you also increase your expectations and have a clearer sense of what you want in a partner. That makes it ten times more challenging to find compatible matches that align with your values and goals. However, this is the time to date multiple men or women and be extremely selective about your partner.

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7. You Tolerate Less BS

It’s something about getting older that makes you less willing to put up with people’s bullshit. As we enter our 30s, we develop a stronger sense of self-worth and boundary-setting skills. With a clearer understanding of values and priorities, we are less willing to tolerate manipulative behaviors, toxic relationships, or disrespectful treatment from others. Remember to surround yourself with supportive and respectful friends & acquaintances who uplift and empower you to thrive personally and professionally.

8. Purpose Becomes a Passion

In your 30s, you will experience a profound shift in perspective, and begin to seek greater meaning and purpose in your life. What was once a job or routine may transform into a passionate pursuit. In your thirties, you are more inclined to focus on having a more fulfilling career, meaningful relationships, and your self-love journey, realizing your true passions and making a lasting impact on the world.

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9. Selective of People

What I mean by this is that you become more discerning about the company you keep as you get older. You’re more focused on the quality relationships over quantity. As a new 30-something, you will be more selective about who you allow into your inner circle. This intentional approach towards friendships and social connections empowers us to cultivate meaningful relationships that enrich our lives.

10. Self-Care Is Life

I know the idea of “self-care” is super trendy right now, but I can’t stress to you how it becomes non-negotiable when you hit your thirties lol. Whether it’s indulging in a spa day, practicing mindfulness, or setting aside time for hobbies, it’s essential that you prioritize self-care to recharge and rejuvenate amidst life’s demands. Recognizing that self-care is crucial for maintaining balance in life will help you thrive personally and professionally.

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11. Practice Gratefulness

Turning 30 also means you gain a deeper appreciation for the blessings in life. Therefore, I encourage you to  practice gratitude regularly. Whether it’s through journaling, daily reflections, or mindful moments, it’s important to cultivate a mindset of gratefulness  and shift our focus on the positive aspects of life. Showing gratitude helps to foster a sense of contentment and fulfillment.

12. Learn More About Yourself

This is a great time to explore who you truly are! Entering our 30s, pushes us to embark on a journey of self-discovery, delving deeper into our values, desires, and aspirations. Through reflection, exploration, and life experiences, we uncover new facets of ourselves and gain a deeper understanding of our strengths, weaknesses, and passions. Let this empower you to embrace authenticity and liberation.

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13. Adapt to Changes

Maybe change scared you in your twenties, but not so much in your thirties. Turning 30 is more so of a trans-formative period. Whether it’s career shifts, relationship dynamics, or lifestyle adjustments, we learn to embrace change as an opportunity for growth and self-perseverance. With a positive outlook on life, you embrace new transitions with grace and confidence.

Hopefully, this post has helped you in some way. If you’re scared about turning 30, don’t be! It’s a new era for you to learn yourself and become your best version!

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